Women under 35 facing lower than normal ovarian reserve

New Delhi: Somya (34) conceived successfully with the help of IVF after being diagnosed with low Anti-Muller Hormone (AMH).

“AMH is a hormone secreted by cells in developing egg sacs (follicles). The level of AMH in a woman's blood is generally a good indicator of her ovarian reserve. These tests are also useful in evaluating ovarian function and possibly in predicting the onset of menopause which is usually around the age of 45 years. With the changes in lifestyle and the urban area’s ambience, woman’s ovarian reserve is depleting before time.” said Dr Arvind Vaid IVF Specialist, Indira IVF Hospital New Delhi

AMH is also done for a woman who will be undergoing assisted reproduction procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF); the value of AMH present is related to her likely responsiveness to treatment. A low level of AMH reflects poor ovarian response, indicating that a decreased number of eggs would be retrieved after ovarian stimulation. For a good correlation and comprehensive evaluation, it is usually done along with other hormone tests and a transvaginal ultrasound (to count the number of follicles as a reflection of the woman's egg reserve).

Women are born with their lifetime reserve of eggs, and these gradually decrease in both quality and quantity with age.

“Urban lifestyle depletes the number and deteriorates egg quality prematurely in women . With the increasing age, the body is affected by poor dietary intake, poor blood circulation, disturbed hormonal balance, autoimmune disorders, and other health problems. The dietary and lifestyle choices you make also improve the quality and health of your eggs. Elimination of toxins and stress is equal to improving fertility and chances of conception. “ says Dr Anuja Singh, Senior IVF expert, Patna

AMH is a hormone produced by reproductive tissues. Its role and the amount normally present varies depending upon sex and age.

Women of childbearing age may have an AMH test ordered along with other hormone tests, such as estradiol and FSH, to estimate the ovarian reserve.

Some ovarian cancers produce increased levels of AMH. If the hormone is initially elevated, then the test can be used as a tumor marker to help evaluate response to treatment and monitor for recurrence.

Other female hormones fluctuate with a woman's monthly cycle; however, AMH is produced by growing follicles at a relatively steady rate. It is also not affected by oral contraceptives or pregnancy.