Feb 14, 2017, New Delhi: LoveDoctor by SHEROES launches new women-only forum for counseling and peer support for sex, relationships and love.
LoveDoctor.in, a counseling service that has been operating for over 2 years via web-based chat, SMS, and WhatsApp has answered over 50,000 questions from young people aged 16-25 across the world, but with a focus on India, East Africa, and Southeast Asia.

SHEROES and LoveDoctor joined forces in September 2016 to provide safe, confidential and accessible counseling about sex, relationships, and love to millions of Indian women in the SHEROES community and beyond.
Now, LoveDoctor is shifting to serving only women, a move the SHEROES team hopes will create a safer space where women feel free to discuss taboo subjects that can cause them to be the subject of gossip, retaliation, or even threats.
Commenting on the same, Avani Parekh of SHEROES said “A forum allows LoveDoctor to bring essential counseling to hundreds of thousands of women, and create a community where women feel safe, supported, and heard every single day in a community of peers. Women have questions about love, relationships and sex too and we should not feel shy, scared, or fear retaliation if they ask. No one should feel alone.”
The new forum allows users to log in and post questions, and get answers from LoveDoctor experts and peers. Women will be able to log on the forum using their Facebook login details, and begin posting and supporting other women immediately. There is also an option to post on the forum anonymously.
Previously LoveDoctor featured a chat and a whatsapp counseling service, which will be discontinued on launching of the forum.
SHEROES Founder Sairee Chahal, added, “Relaunching LoveDoctor as a forum only for women allows us to offer our community deeper support and connect as women navigate the complex issues of their lives. SHEROES is now able to offer comprehensive support for all of a woman’s life and needs from career to relationships in various formats - app helpline, forums, mentors and more. We are excited to create a safer space for women to ask important questions that affect how they live, work and relate to others.”
SHEROES is the largest careers community of women, with members from over 20,000 locations. Over 12,000 companies actively use the platform. SHEROES runs a career support helpline via phone and app. It also has its communities spread in all major cities across India including major metros, and upcoming cities like Jaipur, Indore and Pune.
With a low women in workforce ratio and a over a 300 million women ready to connect to opportunities and financial independence, SHEROES has built a unique organization with women’s careers and aspirations at the center.
A platform for women with ambition and aspirations, SHEROES offers a career world with opportunities, high growth career resources, mentorship, skills and support. A community built around principles of learning, growth and sharing, the members access most diverse work formats, including corporate jobs, returning professionals programs, partner programs, work from home jobs, part time work, freelancing, franchising, mompreneur and internship programs. We partner with over 12000 organizations to help them connect with female talent in form of employees, partners and customers. With over a million women served, SHEROES is putting women's careers on the nation-building map.