Hyderabad 08 March 2017: As a part of the Cii Telangana Annual Day deliberations, CII Telangana, in partnership with Government of Telangana and STPI, is organizing a two day Telangana Tech Summit focusing on ‘Moving towards Smart and Intelligent’, here from today.

The objective of the summit is to understand how technology is transforming Telangana’s development and to discuss various challenges and opportunities in technological transformation present in various sectors.
Speaking at the Inaugural of the session in his Keynote address, Lt Gen Subrata Saha, UYSM, YSM, VSM, Deputy Chief of Army Staff (Planning and System), Indian Army, encouraged the industry for technology and procurement tie-ups, especially from the MSME sector. “The Army requirements are very huge and hence have an immense scope for sustained business model. We need Indian solutions to fight Indian wars and this is possible with the current ecosystem of technological developments”, he said.
Lt Gen Saha briefed the participants on various policy matters pertaining to Indian Army and mentioned that they have created levels of engagements with the Industry in such a way that the support system is enhanced to a level where the risk factor for the industrial investments is almost zero. “Though the Indian Army is looking to reduce imports by encouraging the local industry but at the same time linkages are being established from foreign defence players. The Indian PSU’s and the Defence organizations have developed innovation fund and technology development fund to help and support the start-ups”, he said.
In his address, Mr. Jayesh Ranjan, IAS, Principal Secretary, Departments of Industries & Commerce and IT&C, Government of Telangana, mentioned that the Government is working with the objective of reaching out the benefits of digital to every person. “In order to ensure digital transformation of Telangana it is important to - ensure digital literacy; technology to help small businesses; real time scientific advisory to the farmers; and must make difference to the lives of the people.
Mr. Ramesh Datla, Chairman, CII Southern Region & Chairman, Elico Ltd., in his special address, opined that linking technology only to IT is a misconception. Technologies leading to value additions in manufacturing sector is a critical link. “Lot of hardware infrastructure is required to meet the Govt. objectives of IT penetration. One important challenge is to address the skill requirements at the midlevel. Hence it is important to have an Industry, Institute and Government partnership to ensure a holistic solution to the issue”, he said.
Mr. V Rajanna, Vice Chairman, CII Telangana & Vice President & Head, TCS, in his theme address, opined that skilling India is critical for the next wave of business growth. “Technology is pioneer in leveraging technology to create a positive impact in the society. The institutional developments like T-Hub, T Works, T Idea, VLSI Design Academy, TASK, and Industrial Health Clinics, besides others put Telangana in the world map”, he said.
Earlier, Mr. Nrupender Rao, Chairman, CII Telangana & Chairman, Pennar Industries Ltd, delivered the welcome remarks.
The day 1 proceedings of the summit deliberated on various themes focusing on – Smart societies, disruptive technologies, and Defence and Aerospace and around 15 experts shared their perspectives.
The Summit was attend by around 200 participants covering various sectors and verticals