Effective OTC Treatments To Cure Head Lice. It is very essential to stop a hair lice infestation as quickly as it is found to .prevent it from spreading to other people. If you are suffering from hair lice infestation,Then you can give these OTC chemical treatments a try to get rid of it.
1. Treatment Using Dimeticone Lotion
A silicone-based insecticide known as Dimeticone lotion works amazingly to get rid of hair lice. This chemical is often used in many toiletries and makeup products. To stop the infestation of hair lice you need to apply this lotion twice a day, every once in a week. Let this lotion sit on your scalp overnight, and then rinse it off with a shampoo. This lotion works to block the air passage tubes through which the lice breathe and also block the way the lice pass out water, which results in killing them.
2. Treatment Using Isopropyl Myristate And Cyclomethicone Solution
Isopropyl Myristate And Cyclomethicone Solution is a physical insecticide used to stop the infestation of lice. It works wonders similar to Dimeticone. Apply this lotion on your scalp and let it sit there for about 10 minutes. Then, using a nit comb the hair must be combed to remove the lice. Rinse your hair to remove the solution. Repeat this treatment once a week, for a few weeks. This treatment can even be used by asthma patients and by children above the age of two.
3. Treatment Using CAY Spray
Coconut, anise, and ylang-ylang oils are the main ingredients of CAY spray. It is another physical insecticide just like Dimeticone. You just need to apply this spray on your hair and scalp and let it sit there for about 15 minutes. Then, using a nit comb, comb your hair to remove the lice. Use your favourite shampoo to rinse your hair and remove the spray. Repeat this treatment once a week. People suffering from asthma and children below the age of two should avoid this treatment.
4. Treatment Using Malathion Lotion
Another OTC chemical insecticide which has been used for ages to treat head lice problems is Malathion. This treatment works by paralyzing and killing the lice and eggs. To completely get rid of hair lice apply this lotion twice a day, once a week. Let the lotion sit in your hair for about 12 hours and then rinse it off with shampoo and water. This lotion is not suitable for children below the age of six. This lotion is known to be flammable, so keep safe distance from flammable substances when you apply it.
1. Symptoms Of Head Lice
Following are the symptoms of Hair Lice infestation:
- Strong and irresistible itching
- Scratching leads to Rashes
- Lice are visible near the hair shafts
2. Will Hair Dye Kill Lice?
Yes, hair dye can work to kill hair lice. Hair dyes contain chemicals like ammonia which are toxic for lice. However, eggs of the lice are not affected by the chemicals present in the dye.
3. Can Shampooing Your Hair Kill Lice?
Using a regular shampoo won’t help in killing these pesky the lice. To kill these lice you will need to use special shampoos that are specifically made to treat hair lice infestations. These shampoos generally contain tea tree oil, neem oil, and eucalyptus oil.
4. Should I Shave My Head To Get Rid Of Lice?
Shaving your head will definitely get rid of the lice and their eggs. But it is a very extreme step to take and is not necessary, when you can get rid of them with some natural home remedies. There are many home remedies and OTC medications which can work to kill the lice and get rid of them.
To get the best results of any of these treatments for lice you need to stick to them and repeat treatment after two weeks to get rid of them completely. Also, see that all combs, bed sheets, blankets, shower caps, towels, pillow cases, etc. are properly sterilized in boiling water before you can use them again, as these pesky pests can still be on them. Following these steps will prevent the recurrence of infestation of hair lice that might have stayed behind on them.