Strike right balance to turn Cyber Security vision to implementation in Telangana

Telangana Cyber Security Policy is an impressive vision document
Huge challenges to convert this vision to implementation - capacity, priorities & talent needed
Increase budgets on Cyber Security - build pool of skilled talent and create demand

Strike right balance to turn Cyber Security vision to implementation in Telangana

Strike right balance to turn Cyber Security vision to implementation in Telangana

Hyderabad, November 23, 2016: The two-day National Conclave on Cyber Security 2.0 organized by Kenes Exhibitions & Society of Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) concluded on a highly optimistic note that showcased hard realities of cyber threats, preparedness of Indian business establishments & Governments and need for a cogent and comprehensive policy on Cyber Security.
Delivering the closing keynote address, Mr. Shay Shabtai, Retd. Colonel & Strategic Expert, Konfidas  - Israel praised the forward looking Cyber Security policy of Govt. of Telangana. He said the Mr. K T Rama Rao, IT Minister, Govt. of Telangana was very forthcoming and open to understand the challenges & threats that Cyber Security is posing to the new State, business establishments & individuals. The visionary Cyber Security Policy developed by the Govt. of Telangana now needs to transition from Vision Document to getting implemented and will need to have a very delicate balance from NOT being Too Fast or Too Slow. 

The Cyber Security Policy will face enormous challenges in this transition and it needs to work on four pillars: 1. Devise timelines of handling current threats 2. Scope of defining State level assets 3. Focus - is it about Security or impact on business 4. Approach - will it be around security or Preparation. The Govt. should approach this transition in a very balanced manner and prepare the entire State and work synergistically with all its stakeholders.

Three Simulations were conducted during the two-day conclave with over 200 delegates and they included one each in Hospital | Business Enterprise | Mobile devices. The key lessons from these simulations included the following: 1. Information Sharing on vulnerabilities faced by Individuals| Business| Nation 2. Intelligence - abilities to identify potential cyber threats 3. Initial Response - isolate & curtail the problem 4. Defense Matrix - should it multi-layered or focus on protecting critical infrastructure and how to define them 5. Focus - work with Academic institutions to create Knowledge & Talent and extrapolate the situation to a cyber economy - develop new theoretical frameworks to deal with this issue.

In his Valedictory Address, Mr. T Krishna Prasad, IPS, Additional DGP - Govt. of Telangana said conference like Cyber Security 2.0 are essential platforms to build collaborations and understand the trends and developments in this emerging space that is impacting business landscape. On account of cyber knowledge and IT, the gap between nations is coming down. Advanced nations are leveraging this to protect their assets and wealth, Developing nations are using the same to climb this economic ladder in cyber economy and Backward Nations are also developing tools and skills to exploit their resources to bridge the gap. As future wars will be more in cyber space and tilt towards cyber warfare than physical wars - it is imperative that Awareness, Collaboration and Building a Robust & Skilled Workforce to deal with this emerging threat to Nations | Business Enterprise | Individuals is critical to ride this wave. 

The morning session on Cloud Challenges was moderated by Ms. Vidya Srinivasan, CIO - Genpact with Dr. Ajay Sharma, Rotterdam Management School for Cyber Security, Defense & Law Enforcement, Netherlands, Mr. Ravi Piduri, Chief Information Security Advisor - Microsoft Enterprise Services Delivery & Mr. Kiran Vangaveti, CISCO - TIC, Founder BluSapphire. The second session on Burn Your Devices was moderated by Mr. G. Rajagopalan, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Orbcomm, Dr. Vishwas Lakkundi, IoT Specialist & Consultant & Mr. Ramesh Loganathan, MD - Progress Software. The third session on Identity & Access Management was moderated by Mr. Alok Gupta, CEO - Pyramid Cyber Security & Forensic Pvt. Ltd with Mr. Vikrant Varshney, Chairman - BCI Hyd Forum & Board Member and Mr. Eli Zilberman, Partner, Head of Cyber Awareness Development Konfidas.

About the company

SCSC Cyber Security Conclave 2.0 is being organized by Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) and Kenes Exhibitions, supported by Dept. of Information Technology, Government of Telangana with eco-system partners that include NASSCCOM, Tie-ISB & ITsAP among others.