Architects of Bangalore join hands to renovate orphanage in Lalbagh Siddapura​

India 19 November 2016: As part of the  Design Yatra, IIID Bengaluru  along with Guardian of Dreams
​arranged for a visit to an orphanage in Lalbagh Siddapura for a fun day with the kids of the orphanage. IIID BRC ​has done a design intervention f​or the orphanage​ as a part of their 'Design for masses' mission.

Architects of Bangalore join hands to renovate orphanage in Lalbagh Siddapura​

Architects of Bangalore join hands to renovate orphanage in Lalbagh Siddapura​

​It is a government school which is also home to 35 orphaned children. Since the school lacks basic amenities such as clean as well as enough toilets, the orphaned children residing there are facing acute hardship. IIID BRC proposes to garner funds to refurbish the space so as to improve the living conditions of the children residing there, besides reducing the dropout rates that is becoming phenomenal due to lack of basic amenities in the school. The project interestingly will also involve architects in the form of providing materials that are salvaged from their project sites, so as to send across the message of recycle, reuse.

​"​The project is underway with major spons​o​rship from Fundermax and Ram Ceramics to be completed shortly​," informed Ms Shyamala Prabhu, Convenor, Design Yatra and Chairperson Elect, IIID BRC. ​

​"​A competition has been floated for  Design students for bunk beds and study tables where the winning entry will be implemented at the shelter home​," added Ms Shyamala. ​

​The fun day today included a football camp for kids where ​ Anil Kumble's ​TENVIC sports academy ​came forward ​and conducted the camp. This ​was​ followed by an interactive session with the IIID members​.​