India 30 October 2016: We all hate it when we see a lizard on the wall of our homes and are always on a lookout for ways we can get rid of them. Yes there are many lizard repellents available in the market which you can use but they are loaded with harmful chemicals. Using these Lizard repellents at home can be harmful for small children and pets in your house. Today we at pocketnewsalert have put together a list of easy ways to get rid of Lizards. So read on to find some of the easiest and best home remedies to get rid of lizards.
Here are some of the reasons why lizards frequently visit your house?
If your house is also home to a lot of small insects or bugs, which are some of the favorite food food for lizards. This will have a lizard infestation in your house.
Keeping a dirty kitchen, with unwashed dishes and food crumbs everywhere, attracts various insects and bugs, which in turn will invite the lizards for a good meal.
Lizards enjoy staying in dark places, like behind cupboards, wardrobes, furniture etc. If you haven’t been cleaning these places regularly, lizards are sure to make a home there.
16 easy home remedies to keep away or kill lizards
1. Egg Shells

For ages our ancestors have been using this one weird trick to keep lizards away. Keeping egg shells around the house, especially near doors and windows keeps the lizards at bay. Lizards hate the smell of eggs and are repelled by it.
2. Coffee Powder

One of the most effective method to kill lizards is to use coffee powder. To make your own lizard poison at home combine a little coffee powder with tobacco powder and make small balls out of it. Stick these tiny poison balls on toothpicks and keep them around the house where lizards frequently visit. Once the Lizards eat this they will die.
3. Garlic
Just like eggs, Lizards also hate the smell of garlic. Hanging a few pods of garlics around the house can work to keep lizards from entering your home. Alternatively you can also make a garlic spray by mixing garlic juice with water and spray it around the house.
4. Pepper Lizard Spray

Pepper sprays come handy to keep the creeps away so do they work on these crawling creeps. These homemade pepper sprays are amazing lizard repellents and are very easy to make and they do not contain any harmful chemicals. To make this amazing lizard repellent you just need to mix water, ground black pepper and chili powder and shake everything well. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray it around the house. The spicy smell works well to repel the Lizards.
5. Onion

In general lizards hate pungent smell, be it garlics, hot pepper or onions. Hang Onions near your doors and windows to keep them from entering your home. Lizards will start leaving your home as they can’t stand the smell of onion. You can also make an onion spray by mixing water and onion juice and spray this around the house to get rid of lizards.
6. Naphthalene Balls

For years we have been using naphthalene balls for keeping small bedbugs and pests away from our homes. These same naphthalene balls work well to keep lizards at bay as well. Place These balls in places where the lizards frequently visit to keep them away from home permanently.
7. Flypaper

Flypaper can be used to trap lizards around the house. To trap lizards just stick these in the walls and places where you frequently see lizards. They will get stuck to the flypaper, and then you can dispose them off.
8. Cold Water

Lizards are very sensitive to temperature change. Throwing ice cold water on lizards puts them in a shock and they become immobile. Now you can easily kill it or collect it in a dust pan and dispose it out.
9. Tabasco Sauce Lizard Spray

Tabasco sauce Lizard spray is a variation of the pepper lizard spray. In this spray you need to mix Tabasco sauce with water and shake it well to mix the ingredients. Store this mixture in a spray bottle and use it to get rid of lizards.
10. Bird Feathers

Lizards are scared of birds as they prey on them. Hanging a few bird feathers around the house is sure to scare the lizards away, thinking that there might be birds inside the house. Hanging a Bird feather is an effective home remedy to get rid of lizards.
11. House Cat

If you have a pet cat in the house, then lizards will not dare enter your house. As cats don’t only love to catch rats, they are also good at catching lizards. If you don’t already have a pet cat, you should get one to take care of the lizard infestation in your house.
12. Electric Repellent

This is not exactly a home remedy to get rid of lizards, but still is an amazing way to get rid of them without causing any harm to small children and pets in your house. You can find many electric lizard repellents brands available in shops. These electric lizard repellents emit sounds in ultrasonic frequencies which the lizards can’t tolerate and will leave your house at once. If you have android phone you can even download an Android app of this on Google Play for free.
13. Mouse Trap

We all been using mouse traps to get rid mice and rats, you can use the same to get rid of lizards as well. Place the mouse trap near places from where lizard enters your home and it will start working it’s magic.
14. Phenyl Tablets

We all have been using phenyl in our bathrooms to keep them clean and germ free. You can use the same in tablet form like naphthalene balls to spread a good smell in the house, they also keep lizards away. Keeping some of these phenyl tablets around the house works effectively to repel lizards.
15. Cardboard Box Method

If you do not like killing or harming lizards, then this method is for you. All you got to do is when you see a lizard, try to corner it and trap the pesky thing inside a cardboard box and shut the lid. Now you can go and let it free somewhere away from your house.
16. Get Rid of Insects
Don’t forget the main reason for your house being infested by lizard when you are looking for an answer for ‘how to remove lizard from your home permanently. The main reason why lizard infest your home is that there are many tiny insects living there which are food for the lizard, If you get rid of the tiny insects you will automatically get rid of the lizards.
How to keep Lizards from entering the house –
- Lizards normally enter your home through small holes and openings around the house. Sealing up these openings and holes with a sealant and stop them from entering your house.
- Another place they enter from are the open windows. You can use window screens to prevent lizards from getting into your homes.
- Keeping egg shells around the house is the most effective method of permanently getting rid of lizards.
- Also the homemade lizard repellent spray we learnt about earlier can come handy to spray it around the house every week to keep your house free of lizard infestation.
- Installing an UV insect trap will help to kill insects and bugs and cut out the food supply of the lizard which will force it to leave the house.