Helen Keller once said,
India 14 July 2016: "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.The fearful are caught as often as the bold. "
Being bold and rebellious is what defines controversy ' s blue eyed filmmaker Pankaj Purohit who is ready to permeate through all obstacles. It already feels that he is divine’s blessed boy who has already carved a niche with Belly of the Tantra. Now Pankaj has taken the bull or should we say the Monster by its horns who has cast its evil eye on the girl child.

As per the UNICEF reports since 1982 about 30 million children have been trafficked globally.
Child prostitution is a multi billion dollar industry globally. With the 8% of increase in the flesh trade, today India has become one of the prominent names in child prostitution. These children are barely able to have one square meal a day as they earn around the equivalent of US $1 for sex, $2 on a good night, and less than a dollar on a bad night.
As per Research conducted there are as many as 10 million children involved in prostitution world wide.
Did you know that every year 2 million girls and children between the age of 5 and 15 are forced into commercial sex trade or trafficking around the world. Its indeed shameful that in a developing country like India, 40% of sex workers engaged in prostitution are actually children. Thus, every 40 out of 100
prostitutes are children in India.
Thus the soft or vulnerable targets are children aged between 10 and 14 years . Its alarming that a child goes missing in India somewhere every eight minutes. So, around half of India’s missing children last year were forced into prostitution. India’s flourishing flesh trade industry according to the government,has about 3 million prostitutes, of which 1.2 million percent are children aged under 18.
There are around 35 villages alongside the highway in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan with pan shop and tea stall with girl attendance .This is just a cover up where asking for a 12 year old for the night is not considered unusual. These innocent girls who should have pursued school or college spend their day at such places luring customers who are mainly truck drivers.
There are many kidnapped girls amongst them, in some cases even six month old babies who are brought to this ruthless tribe from far and wide. They are raised by the villagers as their own daughters. The head of the village says prostitution is a tradition in our community.The presence of policemen doesn’t seem to dampen the spirits of these miscreants.The menace of oxytocin hormone is back again with the seizure of oxytocin injections from an unlicensed store in MP this week, it has become clear that the hormone is still being used for the wrong purposes despite it being banned by the Government, notably to induce early puberty among girls who have been dragged into the flesh trade and sent to different parts in Indian and in the gulf countries abroad. Oxytocin was banned in 2014 by the Government of India. The study revealed that most of the girls were not told about the injection.
The revolutionary filmmaker Pankaj dares to show you through the medium of ‘Sudden Cry’ the dark underbelly of this menace of prostitution. The film is directed by the controversial Producer and Director Babita Modgil who earlier Produced ‘Belly of the Tantra.’ The Sudden Cry movie trailer will be unveiled in a fortnight to surprise the world !