~Becomes a part of the first ever recognition been conferred to Corporate India on such a huge platform~
Chandigarh, 15th July 2016: Finolex Industries Ltd, India’s largest PVC Pipes manufacturer and their CSR partner Mukul Madhav Foundation,was honored with BT-CSR Excellence Awards 2016 in New Delhi. Finolex Industries Ltd and their CSR partner Mukul Madhav Foundation (MMF) received the award for their work in Satara district in improving the standard of living for children suffering with Cerebral Palsy. Mr. Nitin Kulkarni, President of Sales & Marketing, Finolex Industries Ltd was present to receive the award from Hon’ble Union Cabinet Minister for Heavy Industries and Department of Public Enterprises, Shri Anant Geete.This was the first ever recognition been conferred to Corporate India on such a huge platform for their contribution in uplifting the weaker sections of the society as well as working towards environment sustainability. The event drew together most influential personalities in the Government, including Union Minister, senior Union Government Secretaries, MPs, Diplomats, Corporate honchos, top bureaucrats and the CMDs of top public sector undertakings.
BT CST Award awarded to Finolex Industries and its CSR partner Mukul Madhav Foundation

Mr. Nitin Kulkarni, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Finolex Industries receiving the award from prominent guests
Bureaucracy Today, a leader in governance readership which hosted the first edition of the BT- CSR Excellence awards this year, recognized exemplary work in 35 categories, some of them being Best CSR Projects -Swaach Bharat, CSR Projects for Improving Air Quality, CSR Project for Work in Pollution Avoidance etc. The nominations were judged by illustrious six member jury team comprising of members from Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, ONGC, FICCI, CII and ASSOCHAM, who reviewed each entry based on their merit and impact. Some of the other winners of today’s awards were Canon India, Cairn India Limited (CIL), Mahanagar Gas Ltd., Capgemini, HUDCO, Hindustan Petroleum among others.
Finolex Industries Ltd and their CSR partner MukulMadhav Foundation (MMF) received the award for their work in Satara district in improving the standard of living for children suffering with Cerebral Palsy. Finolex Industries and MMF’s journey to help children with Cerebral Palsy in Satara began in Nov 2015, when they were approached by the Zila Parishad of Satara district after a survey conducted by them identified 314 children diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy in that region. The company decided to donate special chairs to children suffering with this condition and committed itself to providing 100 Cerebral Palsy Chairs. However, when the MMF team began door-to-door verifications of these cases, they noticed the need of these children to be comfortable at their homes, where they spent most hours of the day and promised to donate 314 Cerebral Palsy Wheelchairs and portable commodes to children who would benefit from its use, in consultation with specialists.
Going further, MMF then realized that most of these children were not receiving any therapy and were confined mostly to their homes. So what started out as a simple donation drive,snowballed into an all-round rehabilitation programme to provide medical assistance, counseling and emotional wellbeing for the children. MMF then followed this up with conducting 3 assessment camps in a short duration of 3 months and screened 309 children with Cerebral Palsy across 10 taluka’s of Satara, when they discovered there are over 450 affected children, many of whom are not registered with the Government.
‘Healthcare has been an area of continuous work done at Mukul Madhav Foundation. We understand the difficulties associated with being a special child and also parenting one. Both are special journeys which needs extra attention and care, both physically and mentally. When we learnt about this issue in Satara district, we were worried that the unavailability of proper facilities for these children could worsen their situation. Our efforts were to provide comfort to these children in Satara and improve quality of lives for these families. We also want to spread awareness on Cerebral Palsy in India.’ said Mr. Nitin Kulkarni, President of Sales and Marketing, Finolex Industries Ltd.He added, “It is an honor to be recognized for our contribution towards CSR. Health is a basic need and we understand the importance of ground work in this area which still needs a lot of infusion of investment and commitment. We will continue to work with local communities in various regions as we have been doing for the last 25 years. A partnership between Corporates such as Finolex, who are working for the society through their CSR and Government bodies, will definitely bring much more success in each project.”
Finolex Industries Ltd in collaboration with Mukul Madhav Foundation has initiated many CSR activities in rural parts of the nation focusing on the areas of Education, Child Health and Women Empowerment. Working in and around the villages of Maharashtra, the company sees a crying need for rural upliftment focusing on health issues of children and has concentrated its efforts on the same.
About Finolex Industries:
Finolex Industries Limited (FIL), headquartered in Pune, is the market leader in the supply of PVC pipes & fittings for the agriculture and non-agricultural sector that includes housing, industry and construction. Through their unique expertise, they have been able to focus on the concept of water management, which will become even more crucial in the coming years.
Finolex is India’s largest backward integrated PVC Pipes and Fittings manufacturer with a production capacity of 2,50,000 MT per annum. Their state-of-the-art manufacturing plants at Ratnagiri, Urse in Pune and Masar in Gujarat help to provide significant resources to better serve customers. Finolex’s resin manufacturing facility in Ratnagiri, set in technical collaboration with Uhde GmbH, Germany with Hoechst technology, and spread across an area of 650 acres of land, provides a consistent supply of superior quality resin to their plants which guarantees top line quality products. The open sea cryogenic jetty, the first of its kind in the Indian private sector, has been the hallmark of their PVC complex. Finolex is the first Indian PVC Pipes manufacturer to have been awarded the IS/ISO 9001-2008 certification.
Finolex consistently produces only the highest quality products and provides exceptional service in order to maximize customer satisfaction. They are marching ahead in innovation and technology bringing forth new products and solutions by continuously increasing production capacity. This in turn aids them to meet their strategic goals for the future. Finolex takes pride in being able to maintain and constantly improve living standards through offering products as serves the growing needs of our nation by remaining committed to their core values of providing impeccable quality, products and services.
Finolex’s major strength lies in their skilled workforce. Finolex is recognized and attributes their operating excellence and success to their employees. They have an extremely strong presence throughout the country, with a wide network of over 17,000 dealers and sub-dealers who work as their extended arm in bringing a wide range of agriculture, plumbing and sanitation pipes, fittings and solvent cement to customers. Their core values of quality, trust and integrity help to build an unbreakable bond with customers and stakeholders.
Finolex believes in performance with purpose and are deeply concerned about society and our community. They have been actively working along with Mukul Madhav Foundation (MMF), its strategic CSR partner, in contributing to the social and economic development of the underprivileged sections of society in and around the plants in Ratnagiri, Pune and Masar with special focus on education, healthcare, community development, environment and self-development. The focus is on women and children, thus, enabling the deprived to improve their quality of life through good education and accessible healthcare facilities. Finolex strives to seek a way to connect urban population with the rural and urge people to pledge to save water and the environment.
Finolex has been awarded India’s most Trusted Brand in the category “Manufacturing - Pipes” by Brand Trust Report, “Excellence in CSR” by Amity Global School, “Support and Improvement in Quality of Education” by Global CSR Excellence & Leadership Awards and recently recognised by the Economic Times as “Top 100 Brands in the Architecture and Design Sector.”
Visit us at: www.finolexwater.com
About Mukul Madhav Foundation
Finolex Industries Limited (FIL) implements all its CSR activities through its CSR partner Mukul Madhav Foundation (MMF). MMF is registered as a public charitable trust in 1999, and has been working since to provide assistance to needy individuals especially in the areas of Education, Healthcare and Social Welfare.
In 2008, along with Finolex Industries, they set up an English medium school, Mukul Madhav Vidyalaya, in the interior village of Golap, Ratnagiri. Today over 500 students receive quality education there at extremely subsidized costs.
In 2013, MMF became the official CSR partner of Finolex Industries Ltd to carry out their CSR activities.