NEW DELHI 14 JULY 2016:The Delegation of the European Union to India is organizing a series of webinars from 13-16 July, 2016 as part of the European Higher Education Virtual Fair India and South Asia 2016 to provide a virtual dialogue platform between European higher education institutions (HEIs) and Indian/South Asian students.
The EHEVF 2016 consists of an online portal which hosts web-pages of more than 180 institutions and two series of webinars to be organized in July and September 2016 wherein participating institutions are able to address Indian students and answer questions in real time. The July series of webinars will have subject sessions on popular courses sought by Indian / international students in European universities such as Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Business management and marketing / MBA and medicine and health. Each subject webinar session comprises of a two-hour session with four slots during which different European universities will address the students about the opportunities they offer to international students. The student will thus be able to talk to different European universities in real time, from the comfort of his or her home or hostel and without spending any money whatsoever.
Similarly, there will be Country sessions with presentations from EU Member States including Germany, France, Netherlands, Estonia, Slovenia and Hungary (tbc). There will also be Business sessions in which representatives of leading European business organisations including Dassault Systemes, The Maersk Group and EURAXESS bizkaia:talent, will talk to the students about the career prospects available after higher education in Europe. There will also be sessions to present leading HEIs, and thematic sessions on research opportunities, scholarships, and life as a student in Europe.
Detailed webinar schedule is available online at this link:
EHEVF 2016 follows from the success of the first ever Virtual Fair (EHEVF 2015) held form 26-29 Nov 2015 which attracted the participation of more than 3200 Indian/ South Asian students in 75 webinar sessions involving more than 30 EU HEIs. The webinars are aimed at Indian high school and college students looking to go abroad for higher education.
Europe has more to offer than many young people in India realize. It has 4000 universities and 19 million students. Every year, some 200,000 international students come to Europe, of which some 50,000 are Indian.
Why Europe?
Some of the reasons why studying in Europe is a high value proposition:
Quality:In addition to world class research infrastructure, academics appreciate the ideological openness and political independence of the European higher education system. In the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), European universities take 203 of the 500 top positions. In the Times Higher Education Ranking (THE), European Higher Education Institutions take 180 of the 400 top positions. It is important to underline that knowledge of English is sufficient to study in Europe as there are hundreds of top quality courses offered in English across all the European Union Member States.

Value for money:Depending on the country and type of university, the cost of studying in Europe can be surprisingly low, even for the most prestigious institutions. This is possible due to high levels of public sector spending on higher education and ambitious policy targets for increasing the percentage of highly educated persons in the population.
Range of scholarships:While there is great value for money for self-paying students, Europe also offers an incredible number of scholarships and funding opportunities to support students. One prominent example is the European Union's Erasmus+ programme, which has been launched in 2014 and will provide even more opportunities for scholarships and cooperation than the previous Erasmus Mundus programme.
Career:Studying in Europe opens many doors, not only to European corporates operating in India, but also to Indian companies operating in Europe. In terms of career, it is also important to keep in mind that in the Global Innovation Index, 6 out of the 10 top ranked countries are in the European Union. Studying in Europe will give Indian students insights in the mechanics of successful innovation, including through practical placements in European companies. Another important career booster is the opportunity to learn a European language. The return on investment in learning an additional language such as French, Spanish or Swedish can be enormous.
Diversity and culture: Studying in Europe will give you the opportunity to travel freely across most of the continent and explore the multitude of cultures, traditions and natural landscapes. Besides, you will be able to develop the cultural competence that will make you employable and successful.
Safety and security: Europe is a safe and secure place for young men and women alike, and parents can rest assured that their children will return safely.
Proximity:Europe is geographically much closer to India than some of the classic destinations. This has an impact on the cost of travelling and possibility to stay in touch despite some time difference.
The Virtual Fair is open to all.
One can participate by registering @
Facebook page of EHEVF:
About the European Union (EU):
The EU, which consists of 28 countries, has the world's largest economy and its third largest population, after China and India. Though richly diverse, the countries that make up the EU (its 'Member States') are all committed to the same basic values: peace, democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights. They have set up common institutions so that decisions on matters of joint interest can be made democratically at European level. By creating a frontier-free single market and a single currency (the euro) which has been adopted by 19 Member States, the EU has given a significant boost to trade and employment. It is also at the forefront of policies on sustainability.
EU-India relations
Over 50 years the EU and India have worked together to reduce poverty, prevent disasters, expand trade, and promote joint research in energy, health, agriculture and many other fields of mutual interest. More information at:
Detailed programmeof the EHEVF
Detailed programmeof the July series of EHEVF webinars during 13-16 July is given below.
DAY 1 (13 July):
Country session (Germany and France): The EHEVF 2016 webinars series will start with a Country presentation by Germany and France on 13th July from 2.00 – 3.00 pm (IST). Please this link to access the webinar:
Engineering: Students interested in pursuing an Engineering degree course(civil engineering, mechanical engineering etc.,)would be able to speak to four leading universities by attending the webinar on Wednesday 13th July from 3.00 – 5.00 pm. These universities are:
1. Jönköping University, Sweden
2. Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
3. Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
4. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria
Accounting, Finance, Economics and Law: Students interested in pursuing Accounting, Finance, Economics and Lawcourseswould be able to speak to the following four universities by attending the webinar on Wednesday 13th July from 5.00 – 7.00 pm:
1. Universidad de Navarra, Spain
2. University of Groningen, Netherlands
3. Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
4. Radom Academy of Economics, Poland
Thematic session (Scholarships and Research opportunities): First-hand information on Scholarships and Research opportunities available in Europe would be provided by experts in the thematic session to be held on Wednesday 13th July from 7.00 - .800 pm.
DAY 2 (Thursday 14 July 2016):
Country sessions (Estonia and The Netherlands): The day 2 will start with Country presentations from Estonia and the Netherlands to be held on Thursday 14 July from 2.00 – 3.00 pm.
Medical: Students interested in Medical degree courses in Europe can interact with the following four universities by joining the webinar on Thursday 14 July from 3.00 – 5.00 pm:
1. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria
2. University of Tartu, Estonia
3. Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
4. Radboud University, Netherlands
Actuarial / Textiles etc.: A variety of disciplines from Actuarial Science to Textiles Engineering as given below will be covered by the following universities in the webinar session on Thursday 14 July from 5.00 – 7.00 pm:
1. University of Kent (Actuarial Sciences), United Kingdom
2. Maastricht School of Management (MSM Career Services: CV and motivational letter writing for the Benelux market), Netherlands
3. Technical University of Liberec (Textile engineering), Czech Republic
4. Universidad de Navarra (International Foundation program), Spain
Business session: Career prospects for European alumni will be discussed with leading business organisations in the session on Business to be held on Thursday 14 July from 7.00 – 8.00 pm in which the representative of The Maersk Group, EURAXESS bizkaia:talent, will take part.
DAY 3, Friday 15 July 2016:
Country session (France and Slovenia): Day 3 will begin with a country presentation from France and Sloveniawhich will be held on Friday 15 July 2016 from 2.00 – 3.00 pm.
Leading institutions sessionwhich will be held on Friday 15 July 2016 from 3.00 – 5.00 pm will feature the following four universities:
1. Chalmers University, Sweden
2. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic
3. Aarhus University, Denmark
4. Central European University, Hungary
Computer Science and Information Technology: Students interested in Computer Science and Information Technology can join the webinar on Friday 15 July from 5.00 – 7.00 pm and interact with the following four universities:
1. Dublin City University, Ireland
2. EISTI, France
3. EURECOM, France
4. Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
Career prospects Career prospects for European alumni will be discussed with one of the leading business organisations (Dassault Systemes) in the session on Business to be held on Friday 15 July from 7.00 – 8.00 pm.
DAY 4 (Saturday 16 July)
Leading HEIs session: The day 4 will start with a session on leading HEIs (including Masaryk University, the Czech Republic) which will be held on Saturday 16 July 2016 from 1.25 – 1.50 pm.
Country sessions: This will be followed by country sessions from 2.00 – 2.50 pm in which Hungary will take part (to be confirmed).
Business Management and Marketing/ MBA Students interested in Business Management and Marketing/ MBA courses in Europe can talk to the following four institutes by participating in the webinar scheduled from 3.00 – 5.00 pm on Saturday 16 July:
1. Halmstad University, Sweden
2. International Business Academy (IBA), Denmark
3. Dublin City University, Ireland
4. University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Computer Science and Information Technology Students interested in Computer Science and Information Technology get a second chance to interact with European universities. They can join the webinar on Saturday 16 July from 5.00 – 7.00 pm and interact with the following four universities:
1. Radom Academy of Economics, Poland
2. University of Tartu, Estonia
3. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
4. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania
Life as a Student in Europe and Scholarship opportunities: The final session of the July series will address the thematic topics of Life as a Student in Europe and Scholarship opportunities for Higher Education in Europe which will be held on Saturday 16 July from 7.00 – 8.00 pm.