India 19 July 2016: Sony Music artist and the face of hip-hop in India, DIVINE will be playing for the first time at the Music Room on July 22nd. Rapper, composer who goes with the moniker voice of the streets has carved a niche for himself and has succeeded in creating a huge fan base. Earlier this year in March 2016, DIVINE became the first Indian artist to have a worldwide release of his autobiographical single Jungli Sher on Apple Music. This song gave him critical acclaim establishing him as the face of hip hop and within 3 months of its release garnered over a million views. This year also saw him perform for the first time in London at the BBC Asia Network LIVE where his performance was a massive success

Says, DIVINE, “I am very excited and totally looking forward to be performing for the first time in Dubai. This set will also include the renowned Jai Row Kavi with his magic on the drums in addition to Spin Doctor on the turntables and Joel D’souza doing the hyping business. Public, tayyar?!”
A local boy from the slums of Mumbai, Divine has crafted his journey from growing up in the streets to now being a poster boy. His award winning 2013 release “Yeh Mera Bombay” went viral and thereafter received exposure on local radio stations across the country. His 2015 summer-smash “Mere Gully Mein” was not only honoured as the ‘Best Video of 2015’ by Rolling Stone Magazine, but further established him as one of the premier hip-hop acts that garnered him an international listenership through plays on Beats1. He was also awarded ‘Best New Artist 2015’ by iTunes and Apple Music in India and as one of the top 6 artist to watch-out for in 2016 by the BBC Asian Network.
With him, every song has a premise and every word has a deep rooted meaning. Sony Music signed on Divine in 2015 with an aim to encourage the global urban culture which is not only music, but a lifestyle and an attitude that Divine represents.