CREDAI Western UP Announces New Leadership Team

General Body of CREDAI Western UP elects members of EC and GC Board

Ø  Mr. Deepak Kapoor elected as the President of CREDAI Western UP

Noida, January 19, 201​7​: The CREDAI Western UP Chapter of Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India (NCR) has announced the appointment of Mr. Deepak Kapoor (Director, Gulshan Homz Pvt Ltd) as the President in the recently held General Body Meeting in Noida.

CREDAI Western UP Announces New Leadership Team

CREDAI Western UP chapter also introduced the new leadership team comprising Mr. Deepak Kapoor as President, Mr. Amit Modi ( Director, ABA Corp ) as Vice President, Mr. Pramod Gupta ( Joint Managing Director, Ajnara India Ltd) as Vice President, Mr. Rajesh Goyal (MD, Rajesh Projects Pvt Ltd) as Vice President and Mr. Vinay Goel (Director,  Express Projects Pvt Ltd) as Vice President.

Mr. Suresh Garg (MD, Nirala World ) elected as Hon. Secretary, Mr. Manish Gupta  ( Director, Strategic Developers Pvt Ltd) as Joint Secretary and Mr. Subodh Goel (Managing Director, Civitech Group) as Hon. Treasurer.

“The newly elected leadership will be responsible to work closely with various government departments and will also help to shape the future of the region’s realty sector. We will be focusing on the core objective of the CREDAI such as Transparency, single window clearance and code of conduct” informed Mr. Deepak Kapoor, President CREDAI Western UP

General Body also elected Executive Members of GC Board. They are Mr. Ashok Chaudhary, Panchsheel Buildtech Pvt Ltd; Mr. Amit Jain, Mahagun India Ltd; Mr. Dinesh Jain, Exotica Housing & Infrastructure Co. (P) Ltd; Mr Getamber Anand, ATS Limited; Mr Kaushal Jain, Arihant Buildcon Pvt Ltd; Mr. Manoj Gaur, Gaursons India Ltd; Mr. Salil Kumar, Assotech Realty and Mr. Mritunjay Kumar, Unibera Developers Pvt Ltd.

About CREDAI Western UP:

Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India (CREDAI) is the apex association of developers and builders in India with more than 11500 member developers / builders through 124 member associations with representation in all the major cities and states of the country. CREDAI WESTERN UP is the CREDAI NCR chapter of the organization and all the leading developers of the region are its member. The members of CREDAI WESTERN UP have over the years contributed immensely to the development of WESTERN UP region.

All CREDAI members follow the CREDAI Code of Conduct and respect their customers. The complaints of consumers associated with member developers of CREDAI are successfully resolved at CREDAI’s Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum.